Monday, July 22, 2024
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A tribute from the car world to the ancient Greeks has just started making the rounds. The Spartan V is a lightweight all-star, with an engine that is borrowed from Ducati. The new contender weighs  at just below 661 pounds and packs 170 horsepower from the 1200 cc Italian mill.

A tubular space-frame chassis in lots of carbon fiber helps to keep the weight down; and for those who want to put this into a race, it will be easy to swap the double-hoop roll bars for an FIA-compatible single-hoop.

According to estimates from the company that built the machine, the Spartan should be able to dash from 0-60 mph dash in less than three seconds and arrive at a top speed of 173 mph. This is facilitated by the sequential six-speed gearbox. This should definitely appeal to motorbike addicts – some even calling the Spartan V a motorcycle on four wheels.
Sounds appealing for sure – unless you are put off by the price tag : $84,321. The Spartan V is many things, but cheap ain’t one of them!

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