Monday, July 22, 2024
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Now you can configure your very own Spider 458 with Ferrari’s latest web-based supercar configurator that is live on the Italian auto manufacturer’s website.

You can choose from a number of different specifications starting with the exterior and working your way into the interior of the vehicle. Exterior options include paint colour (with a range of metallic, non-metallic and 1950′s colours) rims, break calipers, tyres and carbon fibre options. The interior becomes more exciting with interior colouring and materials, seats and style, carpets, interior trim and other interior options including infotainment system, rev counter and carbon fibre trim to choose from.

Once you are satisfied with your Spider, a summary of your dream supercar is presented. You can also choose between an open or closed top and can take a snapshot of the final product. Users also have the ability to compare a configuration to any another that is created.


As long as you’re not too unproductive, give it a try!

To start configuring your own Spider 458 go to

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