Monday, July 22, 2024
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In a few days from now, we might get to see Formula One monsters gearing up for a Cape Town jaunt. In what could be a landmark in the F1 horizon, an agreement that will bring the exciting sporting event will be inked. We hear negotiations are in the final stages. And, when that happens,Cape Town will play host to a Grand Prix event in just about two years time.

F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone has been pushing hard to drive all the Formula One mean machines into the African terrain for so many years now, and finally is seeing success on that front. Ecclestone believes that the deal is “weeks away from signing”. He has been quoted as saying that a decision might come as soon as F1 “lawyers have a good look at them… within the next couple of weeks”.

This, when it happens, will be Grand Prix’s return to South Africa.  The last South African Grand Prix was run at Kyalami in 1993, and was won by Alain Prost. Treading the path taken byDurban, F1 bosses will look forward to a track similar the one there.

Meanwhile, we also hear Motorsport SA has confirmed that aCape Townconsortium has approached it to run a Grand Prix. However, that will depend on getting the event find a place in the in FIA calendar by Motorsport SA.


The money part is still being debated. It would involve huge amounts of many to get the race going atCape Town. Government aid would have to be sought to make things roll.

Going by current estimates, getting F1 to Cape Townwould incur costs of at least $100-million. Hope Bernie Ecclestone will be smiling in the next two weeks’ time.

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