Monday, July 22, 2024
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Look, one thing we know for sure is that Chris Harris knows a lot about cars. Also that he has had some of the most incredible opportunities in the world when it comes to driving some of the most expensive, powerful and beautiful cars in the world.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to see then, which of the legions of cars that he has driven, is his ultimate favorite? Of course it would.

Well, get ready to be surprised because it’s definitely not what you thought. Forget all the Lamborghini’s, McLaren’s and Ferrari’s… no, Chris has chosen something rather unusual as his favorite car of all time – an old Citroën 2CV.

While the car is dripping in vintage glamour and looks interesting and quirky, it’s definitely not what we thought mr. Harris would have chosen as his favorite car.

However, as he does, Harris made a video about why he loves this car so much. The video is brilliant and in classic Harris style. You can check it out below:

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