Monday, July 22, 2024
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The Paris Motor Show has officially kicked off and this morning saw the unveiling of one of the most anticipated hybrid cars of the show  – the all new Lamborghini Asterion hybrid.

This is the Italian automakers first ever hybrid car, so naturally they went al out with it. From design to production, this car truly is a stunner. And we’re not just talking about how it looks.

Although its looks is definitely worth a mention. This car is truly breathtakingly beautiful. In typical Lamborghini design style, the Asterion glistens under the lights on stage at the Paris Motor Show.

The blue colour is also a perfect colour for this car. It’s eye catching and dramatic without being too overbearing.

But let’s get down to the stuff that really matters: the inside.

As we’ve said, it is Lamborghini’s first ever hybrid car, and they really event shied away from producing a wonderful half petrol, ha;f electric car.

The Asterion has a powerful 5.2 liter, V10 engine which produces an almighty 610 horsepower. However, that’s not it. On the electric side of things, the Asterion also features and electric motor that sits between the engine and the gearbox as well as two additional electric motors at the front of the car.

These electric motor produce a further 300 horsepower, which, combined with the 61o horsepower from the V10, makes the Asterion produce a super powerful 910 horsepower. Wow.

Furthermore, the car can go from 0 – 100 km/h in only 3 seconds and has a combines top speed of 320km/h.

The unveiling of the Asterion this morning was captured by popular YouTuber and car fanatic alexsmolik and sent into CarBuzz. Check it out below:

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