Monday, July 22, 2024
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We all know the game of Jenga. The game where you remove wooden blocks stacked on each other one by ne and hope and pray that you are not the on to cause the tower to come crashing down.

Well, imagine this game being played on a greater scale – and by greater scale we mean super large blocks being moved by huge Caterpillar machines instead of humans.

This is exactly what the company has done with their latest advertisement. Under the tagline “Designed to get it done no matter what it is”, the huge Caterpillar machines, which include an Escavator and Telehandler, play a friendly game of Jenga.

The ad is shot beautifully and it is actually really interesting to watch. You’ll be on the edge of your seat once one of the machines pulls out two blocks from the bottom row.

Check out the cool ad below:

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