Monday, July 22, 2024
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Smartphones, smart homes, smart everything. It was only a matter of time before the race for the integrated smart car started to heat up, and finally it has.

A few months ago, Apple introduced us to CarPlay – their answer to a ‘smart car’ system. With CarPlay, drivers can seamlessly integrate their iPhone to their cars and experience services such as iTunes, Maps and voice commands in the car.

And now, Google has announced their version: introducing Android Auto.

Android Auto basically follows the same premise as CarPlay, except it’s (obviously) geared towards Android operating smartphones. Announced yesterday at Google’s I/O conference, Android Auto aims to make your driving experience smarter and safer.

Android Auto will also feature voice control abilities – meaning you can verbally command your car to change the music or show you direction all while keeping your eyes where they belong: on the road.

What is also very cool about Android Auto, is the voice activated texting system. We already know that texting and driving is is major no-no and one of leading cause of road accidents nowadays. With the voice activated texting system, Android Auto will read your texts and write them while you concentrate on more important things.

Furthermore, Android Auto will offer standard services such as Google Play Music and Google Maps, of course.

The mega tech company also announced that they will give developers the opportunity to start designing custom apps for system, which they will then incorporate into Android Auto in the future.

As for which automakers will incorporate Android Auto into their cars? Well, no specifics have been released yet but a couple of months ago various car companies signed a deal with Google which will (hopefully) see them integrating Android Auto into their vehicles soon.

These companies include Ford, Fiat Chrysler, General Motors, Hyundai, Honda, Volkswagen and Nissan.

We’ll have to wait and see how Android Auto will eventually look in action, but the idea is great. We’re definitely excited about seeing more connected, smart and safe cars on the road.

Check out the video of Android Auto’s debut at the I/O conference below:

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