Monday, July 22, 2024
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Since its introduction in 2002, the Mazda 6 its all its incarnations has shifted over a million units. Whilst this may come as no surprise to those who’ve seen it first-hand (or indeed those who voted it ‘best family car’ in 2012 in What Car? Magazine), it seems a quietly sensible car, albeit one with a stylish and mega-modern design. The result of the Japanese company creating a new visual language of sorts (codenamed Kodo) for its designs, sees the 2013 Mazda 6 looking positively ferocious with its headlights-cum-hawk eyes and sleek, aerodynamic chassis.

The buzz around it is making car enthusiasts desperate to catch more than a fleeting glance! Charging ahead with the Takeri concept the company unveiled last year, the newest model will champion the futuristic appeal we’ve come to expect of Mazda.


The soon-to-be-released model will only further whet the appetites of Mazda aficionados with its incorporation of several novel features  in an attempt to render its competitors obsolete. It seems Mazda don’t need thrilling high-budget ads when their cars speak for themselves. The company is leading the way as far as CO2 emissions go, using its Skyactiv technology to lower fuel consumption and in turn reducing the amount its customers have to dish out on petrol. This has been shown before in earlier models, but in tough economic times, Mazda seems to know exactly what its customers are craving.

Their new i-Eloop system, silly name aside, is a bafflingly futuristic feature that captures energy released when braking the car, transferring it to be used in the car’s electronics. A real game-changer as far as energy consumption is concerned, the system means the car releases a minuscule 105g/km. It’s anticipated that the new Mazda 6 will use the same engines as its brother model, the CX-5 SUV. If so, consumers will be able to choose between a 162bhp 2.0-litre petrol or 2.2-litre diesel engine (148- or 173bhp, accordingly).

With no pricing details yet released, we can only hope it retails in a similarly affordable range as its forebears. The company have released a mere handful of photos, making us wait with bated breath for its official unveiling at Moscow.

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