Monday, July 22, 2024
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Irv Gordon is a man that really loves road trips and someone who knows and respects quality.

Gordon has been driving the same Volvo P1800 since 1966 – which he bought brand new that year. The best thing about Gordon’s 1966 Volvo is not that it is a beautifully preserved, classic car – it is that Gordon has put nearly 3,000,000 miles on the clock! (That’s 4,828,032 kilometers for us!)

The 73-year old retired science teacher from New York City simply loves long distance driving. Before he retired, he used to drive 125 miles a day to work and back – or 201 kilometers a day just to get to work and back.

This daily commute obviously also contributed to his high mileage. Doing some simple calculations, Gordon put more than 62,000 miles on the car for every year of ownership in order to get to this point.

Check out Gordon’s beautifully preserved, 1966 Volvo P1800:

Gordon has had the same Volvo technician work on his car for the past 15 years, and says that that also contributes to the sustainability of the car.

But for Gordon, “It’s not about getting to the three million miles; it’s about the trips that got me to the three million miles. (I) never had a goal to get to one million, to two million. I just enjoyed driving and experiencing life through my Volvo.”

Gordon intends to hit the 3 million mile mark on a road trip to Alaska this September.

Have a look at the video below to see the famous car in action:

As he gears up for his trip to Alaska (one of the only two states he hasn’t visit in the USA) he told reporters: “…Find your own journey and reason to believe because you only have one life to live. No matter how many roads I’ve been on, there’s always one I haven’t taken. That’s what makes it exciting”

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