Monday, July 22, 2024
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Fiat 514

Even though it is almost 80 years down the line, this Fiat 514, circa 1930, is an absolute treat!

There has always been an indescribable charm about classic cars. Some are really quirky and funny to look at, others have inspired the vintage trend, and some really make you wish you lived in the 30′s.

The Fiat 514 is one such car. Beautifully designed and elegantly restored, this car will definitely turn more than a few heads.

Gallery: Elegant Lady –

F514 01

F514 02






This car is purely mechanical – no new age electronics or anything digital or, well, fancy. The beauty of this car stems purely from its lovely design and rich history.

The car was first produced in 1929 and was manufactured up until 1932 – the perfect era for a elegant classy car like this.

The owner of this car, Roberto Vesco, says keeping this car looking as dapper as it does is no cheap task. However, the pure driving pleasure this old lady gives you is apparently way worth the cost and effort.

Doesn’t it make you feel nostalgic about an era you didn’t even see?

You can also check out a video on this classy car: