Monday, July 22, 2024
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They say that sibling rivalry usually stems from a place of love – but is that the case when it comes to cars?  Well, we are about to find out.

Cars, especially performance cars, are pitted against each other almost everyday. People have their favourites and they always want to put their baby up against another car to prove that they are the best, fastest and most powerful. Thus, it’s nothing new to see two cars go head-to-head to claim victory over the other vehicle.

However, its not everyday that the two cars being put up against each other is, well, basically-sort-of the same car. Except not at all. Am I confusing you? Allow me to explain.

Recently, the people over at Evo decided to pit a BMW M5 against a BMW M4 – what some would call it’s modern sibling.

The experiment was part of their ‘deadly rivals’ segment, and considering that sometimes siblings turn out to be rivals, we were super excited to see who would come out on top. But first things first; here is run-down of the technical aspects of both M-brothers:

The M5 is notably much heavier and ‘old-schooly’ than the M4. It has a 4.4 liter twin scroll, V8 engine. It produces 592 horsepower and 516 kb-ft of torque. It reaches 100k/h in 3.9 seconds and has a top speed of 250km/h.

On the other hand, the M4 is much lighter and more ‘futuristic’ than the M5. It has a 3.0 liter, six-cyclinder, twin turbo engine. The M4 produces 425 horsepower and 406 lb-ft of torque. The M4 reaches 100km/h in 4.3 seconds and has also has a top speed of 250km/h.

Who do you you think will take the cake? Check out below:

Source: YouTube/Evo

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